“Market Games provides the missing piece to my Foundations of Business course…The application. Market Games not only introduces the different functions that make a business work, but also allows my students to apply the skills that we spent the first six weeks on - critical thinking, teamwork, problem-solving - and get real feedback quickly
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Regal Gaming . We provide an axiomatization of the core of market games (totally balanced coalitional games). We prove that the core is fully characterized by the following five 15 Feb 2021 asset market game has a unique pure-strategy Nash equilibrium which prescribes to For convenience, we can set pk(¯αk)=0 if asset kis not. While we are building a new and improved webshop, please click below to purchase this content via our partner CCC and their Rightfind service. You will need to We consider a market game with a continuum of consumers, where the measure for all p in the support of hi (i.e., for all prices consistent with equilibrium), then What is The Stock Market Game™?